| The Charlotte's Way Foundation
"Providing a way for people in need who cannot cope with no means to pay."  
Share your stories and/or ideas regarding anything from family loss, coping with it, or whatever is on your mind using the link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thecharlotteswayfoundation
If you are not a Yahoo! member, you will need to sign up for membership. If you have any problems, e-mail thecharlotteswayfoundation@gmail.com. If you should need help via "The Charlotte's Way Foundation," we are here to listen. Simply follow the link provided above and share your stories. It always helps to talk about events in your life be it tragic or inspirational. If you have not joined Yahoo! groups for blogging, please do so and we'll share our stories. I'm looking forward to hearing from your shared stories. God bless you all. Let's blog!